L'impastatrice a bracci tuffanti, come quella a forcella, permette un’ottima ossigenazione della pasta. Questo grazie al movimento indipendente dei due bracci in acciaio che mima quello delle mani.
Double arm mixers allow for a great oxygenation of the dough with minimum heat exchange. Thanks two the independent movement of the two arms in stainless steel, this mixer better resembles handmade dough.
Double arm mixers allow for a great oxygenation of the dough with minimum heat exchange. Thanks two the independent movement of the two arms in stainless steel, this mixer better resembles handmade dough.
This is good for soft doughs (50-70% water) and medium-hard ones (45-50% water). Increasing the amount of water, you'll have to increase the time of entry in the dough.
These mixers are almost exclusively designed for a professional use.
MIXERThe double arm mixers are particularly suitable for pastry, bakery and pizzeria doughs.Their operating system, which reproduces the typical movement of human arms and hands, is the most experienced that exists for the processing of leavened [...]STENO 50 KG DEEP ARM MIXER
MIXERThe double arm mixers are particularly suitable for pastry, bakery and pizzeria doughs.Their operating system, which reproduces the typical movement of human arms and hands, is the most experienced that exists for the processing of leavened [...]STENO 60 KG DEEP ARM MIXER
MIXERThe double arm mixers are particularly suitable for pastry, bakery and pizzeria doughs.Their operating system, which reproduces the typical movement of human arms and hands, is the most experienced that exists for the processing of leavened [...]STENO 80 KG DEEP ARM MIXER
MIXERThe double arm mixers are particularly suitable for pastry, bakery and pizzeria doughs.Their operating system, which reproduces the typical movement of human arms and hands, is the most experienced that exists for the processing of leavened [...]STENO 100 KG DIVING ARM MIXER
MIXERThe double arm mixers are particularly suitable for pastry, bakery and pizzeria doughs.Their operating system, which reproduces the typical movement of human arms and hands, is the most experienced that exists for the processing of leavened [...]